COOK IN WOOD smoking wood dust
The product contains 500 g of COOK IN WOOD wood smoking dust made from oak barrel staves which remain impregnated with the fragrance and aroma of cognac (Hennessy, Martell, Courvoisier) after the barrels have been emptied.It is recommended for smoking: cheeses, fish, seafood, chicken, duck and turkey.
Smoking is a process used to add flavour and preserve food, and there are two main techniques: cold smoke and hot smoke. COOK IN WOOD smoking wood dust is suitable for smokers, gas, charcoal and electric grills. Size 1-2mm.It is recommended for smoking: red meat, game, pork and fish.
COOK IN WOOD smoking wood dust
Cold smoke:
It is carried out at temperatures below 30°C and can last from a few hours to several days.
It is used for foods that can be eaten without further cooking, such as fish, cheeses and raw-cured meats.
It requires a cold smoke generator that produces smoke without raising the temperature.
COOK IN WOOD smoking wood dust
Hot smoke:
It takes place at temperatures between 50°C and 80°C and usually lasts for several hours.
It is suitable for products that require cooking or softer texture, such as meat or some types of fish.
Uses smokers with a controllable heat source.